Hand-Faceted 19th Century Old Mine Cut Diamond

Hand-Faceted 19th Century Old Mine Cut Diamond
Photo Credit: MyDiamondZone

Hand-Faceted 19th Century Old Mine Cut Diamond

Buy It Now Price: $795 (price as of 2019; item no longer available)


-Sparkling chic is on full display with this hand-faceted, 19th century old mine cut diamond that weighs in at a robust 0.68 carats.

-The face of this old mine cut diamond measures 5.11 mm x 4.69 mm across - a nice size for mounting in either a modern engagement ring or a period setting.

-The old mine cut dominated the diamond trade from the early 18th century until the late 19th century.  Old world diamond cutters followed the octahedral form of the rough in order to minimize waste.  This produced a cushion-shaped stone with a distinctively small table, high crown, large culet and tremendous fire.

-This 19th century old mine cut diamond has an estimated (by the seller) clarity grade of VS1, which is excellent for an antique stone.  Most surviving old cut diamonds have clarities ranging from SI1 to I3, the cleaner examples having been recut long ago.  A VS1 diamond, in contrast to lower clarity stones, will appear absolutely flawless to the naked eye.  It is only under magnification that any inclusions will become apparent.

-The old mine cut was eventually superseded in the 1890s by the old European cut, a more rounded form that was the precursor of today's modern round brilliant cut.

-This wonderfully charming antique gem is selling at a price of only $1,169 per carat, which is a great deal for a 120+ year old diamond.  And if you're willing to wait for an eBay Bucks promotion, the effective price could be as much as 10% lower!

-Because of the growing popularity of old mine and old European cut diamonds, modern versions of these stones are being cut today.  However, these computer-assisted imitations will lack the subtle asymmetry and classic charm of the handmade originals.  Happily, this gorgeous specimen is undoubtedly a bona fide 19th century old mine cut diamond that was faceted by hand.

-It boggles the mind that you can own this lovely Victorian era diamond for just $795 - well under a thousand dollars.  But you had better hurry.  This gem currently has 36 watchers on eBay, so I don't think it will be available for long.


Old Mine Cut Diamonds For Sale



-This 19th century old mine cut diamond has an estimated (by the seller) color grade of either K or L.  I would personally go with the lower "L" designation.  Although an L-color diamond would be considered undesirable for a freshly-cut stone, it is pretty typical for old cut diamonds.  As a result the gemstone remains desirable, but has a lower value than it would if it had better color.


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